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Crocheting Q & A

It’s no secret that the art of crocheting appears to be a dying art. Although within our crocheting community it is ever growing and changing, to the general public crocheting isn’t a common hobby. Being a crocheter, especially a crocheter from a very young age, I frequently get asked a lot of questions. I decided what better way to address those questions than writing up a blog post to help people interested in learning how and/or learning more about crochet. Listed below will be multiple questions that I get asked about this “hooklife.” While reading this, if you think of any more questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section below and I’ll answer them as soon as possible.

Question 1: How do I begin? Like where do I start to learn the basics?

Answer: What I was told years ago when I wanted to learn was that it is impossible to learn how to crochet from a book. I tend to agree. So I will always say if you know someone who crochets, asking them to show you is probably going to be the most helpful and quickest way to learn. At least if they can show you the very minimal basics of how to crochet in person. For example, to show you how to do a simple chain and how to hold your hook. Things like that when you have no experience at all with it is much easier to learn when you are in person with an actual instructor.

When I was probably in 1st or 2nd grade, a lady in my church sat with me at a Children’s Quiz meet and showed me how to chain and do double crochet (thanks Pam!!) I did that stitch for years and years. I made countless scarves because that’s all I knew how to do. I got some books but from that point on when I was in elementary school, I couldn’t learn from the books and I couldn’t read patterns. It wasn’t until I was a little older that I got much more into the art of crocheting.

Then entered YouTube. I cannot stress enough how helpful YouTube has been. I can’t even give you certain YouTube accounts that have helped me the most. There are hundreds of YouTubers out there that can teach you any and every stitch, pattern, project or technique you could ever dream of learning. As soon as I dove into the world of YouTube for crochet, my skills have multiplied ten fold. From just doing basic stitches, to learning intricate stitches and techniques, to finding fun patterns to make and to just watching for refreshers on certain stitches, I am constantly YouTubing for crochet.

So that would be my suggestion. Ask someone you know to show you some basics and then use YouTube to go from there. But if you don’t know anyone that can teach you, YouTube would be such an awesome tool for you to use to learn about anything you want to learn.

Question 2: What yarn should I use to start?

Answer: I will always suggest plain, simple acrylic yarn for any beginner. You need to learn the fundamentals before you can delve into any fun, fancy yarn. Pick yourself up some cheap yarn from Walmart and a cheap hook from there as well and just practice and practice and practice until it becomes muscle memory. You might just be making a square or practice making a scarf, something very basic, until you have the stitch down and engrained in your head.

Yarn comes in many different sizes, shapes, materials, and textures. You name it, there is a yarn like that. That’s why learning on basic acrylic yarn is so important. Some yarn is hard to work with. Some yarn you can’t see the stitches you are making. Some yarn is so thin, it will take you eighteen years to make a scarf. Some yarn is so big it won’t fit on your hook. Once you learn the basic fundamentals, then it will be time to experiment with all the different kinds of yarn. And let me tell you, it will SO be worth the wait. This is the best/worst part of being a crocheter. Yarn comes in so many pretty and wonderful options and you have to try them all, regardless of what your bank account is telling you.

Question 3: What size hook should I use?

Answer: This question depends on if you followed my instructions for question number two. 🙂 So as mentioned in the last answer, each yarn has a different weight to it. That weight depends on what hook size you should use. It took me quite a few years to realize this. When picking out your yarn, look for a little square box on the back of the label. You will see a little crochet hook that has a number in millimeters next to it. That is the suggested hook size for that specific yarn. This isn’t a set in stone number, which once you get more into crocheting, that will make more sense. But for a beginner, this is a good suggestion to go with when picking out your hooks.

The box I’m pointing to is the suggested hook size box. So for this specific yarn, it’s saying using a 5 mm or U.S. H/8 hook is the best. Also pictured, to the left of that box, the box that has a skein of yarn with the number is saying this is a medium weight, size 4, yarn.

Another feature about crochet hooks that you should be looking at is whether you get an inline or tapered hook. This honestly comes down to personal preference so once you get a hook and get familiar with it, you can always try the other kind and see what you like better. I personally like tapered hooks better. I think the round edges make me crochet faster and smoother because the yarn doesn’t get separated as much. But some projects I like the inline hooks better because I need the point and deeper groove in the head of the crochet hook. There honestly is no right or wrong. Some crocheters love inline and some love tapered. So you will just have to find what works best and is more comfortable for you.

The crochet hook on the left is an inline hook. The crochet hook on the right is a tapered hook.

Question 4: What project should I make first?

Answer: This is probably dependent on the teacher. I always suggest a square or a very basic scarf to learn. Although it might be boring to just do a square, I think learning the fundamentals is extremely important before jumping on board with some project that is more difficult and overwhelming for beginners. The most important thing to do after learning how to make a stitch is learning how to count your stitches. This is something that even extremely experienced crocheters must do. And it’s also one of the most common mistakes of beginner crocheters.

Each row you make must have the same number of stitches in it. At first, this is extremely easy to miss and mess up. (Hence the reasoning behind starting with basic acrylic yarn. It’s easier to see and count your stitches compared to other yarn.) This is why I always say start with a basic square or a scarf. Something that is narrow enough to be able to easily count from row to row and get used to going into the last stitch of a row. Once you master this, then you won’t have to worry about your edges zigzagging all the way up your project. But if (and when) that happens, there’s no reason to be discouraged. Every crocheter has been there and experienced that. It’s all part of the practice makes perfect for crocheting.

Question 5: Isn’t crocheting for old ladies?

Answer: ABSOLTELY NOT. When I was growing up, I always felt like I was from the wrong era. I loved to crochet and craft and do all these things that most kids my age didn’t do. When I hit college I discovered I was craving to crochet and work on new projects. It didn’t dawn on me until a few years ago that crocheting is literally my therapy. When I get stressed about life, the thing I want to do most is crochet. Which explained why when I was nearing graduation from my bachelor’s degree that’s all I wanted to do and when my wedding plans were getting ripped apart because of Covid that’s all I wanted to do; crochet my stress away.

Fiber arts’ hobbies are making a come back. When I started getting into crocheting more I just randomly decided to look up crochet on Instagram and my whole view of the art changed. There are thousands upon thousands of women and men that have thousands and thousands of followers on their accounts solely based on crochet. When I thought my whole life I was in the minority, I quickly realized I was not alone. People are designing and making businesses all based on this hobby. And not just crocheting projects but creating designs and creating and dying yarn. The possibilities are endless with this art. There are literally so many people that use crochet as a hobby, outlet, stress relief and their career!

So I guess my answer is no. It’s not just for old ladies, old ladies are the smart ones to use this as a way to create and destress. It’s not just for old ladies, it’s not just for women, it’s not just for adults. There’s children learning and there’s men learning. This art is taking off in a whole new direction. It’s no longer just the ripple afghans that your great aunt made your parents when you weren’t born yet. It’s not just about the granny square blankets that every house had lying on their couch in the seventies. This is about creating modern, beautiful pieces that are functional and unique.

I can go on and on about crochet, but I will save more questions and answers for a part two of this blog someday. Until then, I want all you beginners to know that if you ever want any help, just ask me! I’m trying to make this website a place where beginner crocheters feel comfortable. I write my patterns very beginner friendly because I want all crocheters to be able to create something they are proud of. Check out all my patterns and see if there’s anything that you might want to try to make. And keep checking back, because I have a lot of pattern ideas floating around in my head.

If you aren’t a beginner crocheter, this website will also contain fun projects for you to mindlessly do as well as highlight other patterns that I’ve tested for people over the years that aren’t quite at a beginner level.

Regardless of what skill level of crocheting you are at, you are welcome here and I am so happy to have you go along this journey with me.

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment on here or email me at [email protected]. If you want, feel free to follow me on Instagram. Also, feel free to use the hashtag #madisonsmakings on Instagram if you start working on something or are getting started crocheting. You can check out my Pinterest board to see what all I’ve been making or working on by clicking here. Or if you would like to purchase any patterns, feel free to check out my Etsy page by clicking here. While you are on any of these social media platforms, you can search through my accounts and see how many hundreds of fellow crocheters are out there.

As always, happy crocheting friends! 🙂

Christmas Crochet Projects 2020

Hello friends! I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy during this pandemic. With Christmas just about a week away, I hope you are finishing up all your last minute projects; whether it be crocheted Christmas gifts that you’re trying to finish up on time, decorating, baking, wrapping or dare I say shopping still. This year has been a little crazy to say the least. I think we all needed this wonderful holiday season and the warm, inviting feeling that only the Christmas season can bring.

I know this year I struggled to get in the mood for Christmas. Usually my nickname around Christmas time is Buddy the Elf. Yet this year I felt more like an elf from the South Pole. I wanted to enjoy the holiday and go all out, yet this year it required a little extra motivation in some aspects.

Luckily, this year being our first Christmas married, Corey helped me get lots of the shopping and decorating under control much earlier than I usually have it done. That was a huge blessing and has provided me with the chance to work on all these Christmas projects that I will be sharing with you in this post.

I only had one big order for Dishtowel Pals this year which has opened up my time to try a handful of fun projects this season. As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I have a new niece and nephew that are just six days apart. Now that I have started making baby projects, I never want to stop. They are so much fun to make! So obviously they each needed a crocheted Christmas item for the season. Once those were finished, I was able to start on a fun project for myself that I’m very excited to wear for the holiday. And I even found my new favorite Christmas decor project that I will be making lots of to sell at craft shows next year (fingers crossed we will in fact be able to have more of those next year.)

So without further ado, let’s just jump right into these projects and get a dose of Christmas spirit for the day.

The first project I finished was the Mrs. Claus’ Santa Hat and Skirt outfit designed by Thoughts, Knots & Stitches LLC. My mother-in-law found a picture of this outfit and shared it with me for me to make for my niece, Alyessia. The moment I saw it I absolutely fell in love with it. After a quick Etsy search (I love Etsy SO much), I came across this pattern. This pattern was literally so much fun to work up! I have made adult Santa hats before but this one takes the cake for being my favorite. I just LOVE the bow!

This pattern uses very basic stitches that allows any crocheter to be able to tackle this project. Not only that, Thoughts, Knots & Stitches’ pattern is so straight forward and detail oriented. There are multiple picture tutorials along with very descriptive notes on how to do every part of this pattern. It came in multiple different sizes which makes it very cost effective, because you buy one pattern and can use it to make multiple different sizes of this cute little outfit. I mean in this one pattern she has instructions on how to make them for newborns all the way up to 24 months! You could make them for your little girl two years in a row, at least! I recently saw on her Instagram account that the toddler size of this outfit is now available as well!

If you want to find this pattern to create your own adorable Mrs. Claus’ Santa Hat and Skirt along with other awesome patterns that she has designed, you can find her on Instagram here. Go to her page and follow her so you can stay up to date on all her patterns. I can’t wait to keep making more of her awesome designs. But until then, I can’t wait to see pictures of Alyessia in this outfit.

The second Christmas project I completed was the Reindeer Hat for my nephew, Connor. Since I was making a Christmas project for Alyessia, I had to make one for Connor too. After asking my sister-in-law what type of hats or outfits she would like little Connor to have, she said she needed a Christmas hat for him. I looked up some ideas for baby hats on Etsy and came across some super cute reindeer hats that were different than just a normal Santa hat. That’s when I came across the Reindeer Hat with a Reindeer Doll pattern by Jocelyn Sass from Too Cute Crochet. Her lineup of endlessly cute baby hats and projects were so fun to look through on her Etsy shop.

This hat uses a single crochet stitch which I don’t think I’ve ever used for a beanie but I loved it! It gives it a whole different texture than other beanies I’ve made. Her pattern comes in multiple different sizes and has very easy to follow instructions. Like she mentions in the pattern to measure head size of the recipient, I had to add a few extra rows for it to fit him perfectly. But the sizing guide matched so close to his head size. I was impressed! That’s my fear of crocheting hats and it always makes me hesitant to make them because I’m so scared of it not fitting. But it fit him great! I also had to add a few extra stitches to the antlers to make them a smidge longer because I wanted them to be fairly tall considering I added the few extra rows for length on the beanie.

The directions were so easy to follow and read. She uses a lot of pictures explaining everything you need to know to make this reindeer come to life. I’m so happy with the finished product and so is my sister-in-law. This hat is sure to keep little Connor warm all winter long. This pattern also comes with a little reindeer doll that I’m sure to make at some point, just ran out of time before Christmas with all the other projects I have going on. If you’d like to make your own reindeer hat or doll, check out her pattern here.

The next thing I crossed off my Christmas crochet to do list was these amazing Christmas trees that I ran across on Instagram from MJs off the hook designs. It’s called the Bobble Tree Sweater pattern. I always am on the lookout for things that work up quick, that are easy to make a lot of and can be used as decorations. Some of the things I’ve sold the most of have been little pumpkins at my craft shows over the years. As soon as I saw these I knew this would be my “pumpkin” project for Christmas time. I bought the pattern and got to work. Another awesome part about these is that it’s a great stash busting project of any size six yarn you might have lying around. The colors you can make of these are endless!

I’ll be honest, working in the round can sometimes intimidate me. But this is not one of those patterns. Once you start working on it, you get in such a routine with this pattern and it becomes so much fun to work on. I even found a YouTube video for the pattern that she made for any visual learners out there who have trouble reading patterns. This is a great beginner project for learning how to work in the round. Not to mention it uses very beginner stitches and the one special stitch in the pattern she gives very detailed notes about it in the written form and on the video.

All around this is an awesome pattern. I wish I could have come across it earlier in the year so that I could have busted out a big tree farm of them to sell at my craft show. But that just means I can start now for next years shows! That is that the world is back to normal by then.

If you would like to make some festiveness for your house, check out the pattern on her blog here. She explains in her post about how she uses cones made out of foam to help the trees hold their shape. I was only able to find one of those in stock because I went to the store just a few weeks before Christmas. But I’m excited to be able to snag some more cones after Christmas to make them sturdy to be on display at my craft shows. However, for just around my house, they stand up very well without it.

Last but not least, since I do love the Christmas season, I had to make something for myself. I found A Crafty Concept’s pattern for the Crochet Christmas Light Headband and instantly became obsessed with it. I am a radiation therapist for my day job. I give cancer patients their daily radiation treatments and get them set up for their treatments. In the past, we have been able to wear festive headbands for holidays and all I could think about when making this headband is how much this would make my patients smile so much on Christmas Eve when I wear this.

This pattern was so much fun to make! It is such an awesome stash buster because I literally went through all my yarn stash and grabbed any color of regular acrylic yarn I could find that I thought would look good as a lightbulb. Not to mention I am not able to get to my polyfill (long story short: Corey and I hit a deer in my car, my car is in the shop for weeks now, my polyfill is in the back of my car from a trunk or treat we did in October, thus I can’t get to my polyfill), so I grabbed a fluffy type yarn that I really don’t like working with. I chopped that yarn into a bunch of little pieces and used that to stuff my light bulbs. It worked like a champ and I almost got rid of that annoying skein that’s been lying around for years!

Just like the Christmas tree pattern, this pattern comes with a YouTube tutorial explaining everything you would need to know to make this pattern. Also, the written pattern on her blog had so many “pro tips” that made it even easier to make. I thoroughly enjoyed this project and I don’t think I’m ever going to take it off my head. I even thought about using this light bulb pattern and making some garland out of it for future Christmases. Keep stash busting my acrylic yarn lying around and keep making more and more fun, festive Christmas decor in the process!

If you would like to make your own Crochet Christmas Light Headband, you can find the pattern and everything you need to know here. Trust me on this, you will not be disappointed! I can’t wait to wear this to work and Christmas parties and Christmas craft shows next year and for many years to come.

Well my friends, that’s all the new Christmas projects I’ve been working on the past couple weeks. I hope that you get inspired to start crocheting them all and spreading Christmas cheer with each and every stitch you make. If you are still looking for more last minute Christmas projects, check out the rest of my blogs. I have a quick headband pattern and a quick scarf pattern that you could make within a couple hours.

This year has been a little crazy to say the least, but it’s also been filled with so many blessings. I hope that your holidays are overflowing with love, joy, peace and happiness and I pray the new year finds you with a renewed spirit. Read Luke chapter two in the Bible to be encouraged and filled with peace and joy. Truly He is the only true Joy to be found.

Happy crocheting my friends! I hope you all have a merry Christmas filled with so many blessings.

Photo Taken by Christine Schleif Photography